Broderick doubly awarded at ISBA 2016 World Meeting

Tamara Broderick was doubly awarded for her contributions at ISBA 2016 World Meeting.

Tamara Broderick has received two awards at the 2016 World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) that took place in June 2016 in Sardinia. ISBA is the largest scientific society devoted to the development and promotion of Bayesian methods and their analysis.

The first award is the prestigious 2015 Savage Award for an outstanding doctoral dissertation in Bayesian theory and methods. At the same ceremony, she also received the ISBA Lifetime Members Junior Researchers Award for her “distinctive work on the characterization of exchangeability in feature allocation, and the study of the stick-breaking properties of the beta process.”

Broderick was also “recommended for [her] service record in the Bayesian community, by promoting ties with the machine learning community and being a major promoter of the recent ISBA@NIPS initiative.”

Broderick is the ITT Career Development Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, a core member of the Center for Statistics at MIT, and a Principal Investigator at CSAIL. Her latest research focuses on developing and analyzing models for scalable, unsupervised machine learning using Bayesian nonparametrics. She previously was at the the University of California, Berkeley, where she completed her PhD at the AMPLab with Michael I. Jordan.